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Fioricet Drug Interactions that You Should Know

Posted in Fioricet

Drug interactions can change the effects of how the medication works for you or increase the risk of unwanted side effects. Maintain a list of all other products you use apart from Fioricet.

Fioricet Interaction
Fioricet Interaction

These products can be non prescription or prescription drugs, herbal supplements etc., and share the list with your pharmacist or doctor. Do not try to stop, change the dosage or start any of the medicines without consulting your doctor.

Some products that can interact with Fioricet comprise of

  1. Oxybate
  2. Sodium
  3. Darunavir
  4. Drugs that affect liver enzymes and flush out the medication from the body like macrolide antibiotics such as valproic acid, rasagiline,cimetedine, disulfiram, erythromycin MAO inhibitors, fluvoxamine, methylene blue, phenelzine moclobemide, ), isoniazid, procarbazine, selegiline, phenothiazines, tranylcypromine, lithium etc.,

Fioricet accelerates the elimination of other drugs from the body by affecting some liver enzymes. These drugs that are affected include, blood thinners like estrogen, doxycycline, felodipine, theophylline etc.,

Also let your doctor know about any other drowsiness causing drugs that you are using like anti-seizure drugs or antihistamines or medicines for anxiety or sleeping disorders, muscle relaxants, psychiatric medicines  or narcotic pain relievers.

Check the labels before you buy any medicines for yourself even for cough or cold because they may contain caffeine or other components that cause drowsiness. Remember some beverages also contain caffeine like colas, coffee, tea and energy drinks. Consult your pharmacist to know how you can use these products safely.

Fioricet can also reduce the potency of birth control hormonal pills, ring or patch. This can lead to pregnancy. Consult your pharmacist or doctor if you should use other birth control options while using this medicine. Also let your doctor know if you experience breakthrough bleeding or new spotting as this can be the indication that your birth control technique is not functioning properly.

Fioricet can also interfere with certain laboratory or medical tests, resulting in giving incorrect test results. Make sure your doctor or laboratory personnel know that you are using this drug.

Alcohol and Fioricet

Check with your doctor regarding alcohol consumption while taking Fioricet. The medicine might increase the intoxication effects of alcohol. Drinking when you are on Fioricet may result in liver damage due to acetaminophen.

It is very important to know about the drug interaction with all other medications you are using including supplements and simple medications used for cold and cough. Knowing about the contents of medications you are using, you can easily know about the risk linked to drug interactions. You can also let your doctor know about the other medications you are using so that your doctor helps you know Fioricet interactions with those medicines.

You can avoid the risks linked to drug interactions and in case you experience any unusual symptoms, you can connect with your doctor. Though Fioricet is quite useful, it comes with a lot of restrictions too, you just need to take care of those limitations to get better results. Try to get maximum benefits from your drug.

FIORICET Lifestyle Interactions

Butalbital 50mg, Acetaminophen 300mg, Caffeine 40mg, Oral capsule

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· Severity: Moderate

· Notes for Consumers: If you are a tobacco smoker, use of Acetaminophen can increase the risk of liver side effects. Immediately tell your doctor if you get severe abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, or yellowing of the skin. Do not exceed 4 g acetaminophen/day in adults. Tell your doctor if Acetaminophen does not help your headache or other pain. Tobacco smoke may reduce the effectiveness of Acetaminophen.

· Notes for Professionals: Tobacco smoking induces the cytochrome P450 isoenzyme CYP1A2 and may potentially increase the risk for acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity during overdose via enhanced generation of acetaminophen’s hepatotoxic metabolite, NAPQI. In one study, current tobacco smoking was found to be very frequent in patients admitted with acetaminophen poisoning. Tobacco smoking appears to be an independent risk factor of severe hepatotoxicity, acute liver failure and death following acetaminophen overdose.

Butalbital 50mg, Acetaminophen 300mg, Caffeine 40mg, Oral capsule

Grapefruit juice

· Severity: Mild

· Notes for Consumers: Do not significantly alter your grapefruit juice intake while taking medicines containing caffeine. Some reports suggest that intake of grapefruit juice can increase side effects from caffeine. Too much Caffeine can cause effects like nausea, tremor, nervousness, or sleeplessness. If these occur, consider ingesting less caffeine daily.

· Notes for Professionals: Data are limited and conflicting as to whether grapefruit juice significantly alters the serum concentrations and/or AUC of caffeine. Caffeine is primarily a CYP1A2 substrate, and grapefruit juice appears to have but a small effect on this enzyme in vivo. One report suggests that grapefruit juice decreases caffeine elimination by inhibition of flavin-containing monooxygenase, a P450 independent system. This interaction might increase caffeine levels and mildly potentiate the clinical effects and common side effects of caffeine. If side effects appear, patients may need to limit either caffeine or grapefruit juice intake.

Butalbital 50mg, Acetaminophen 300mg, Caffeine 40mg, Oral capsule

Caffeine-containing Foods/Beverages

· Severity: Moderate

· Notes for Consumers: Caffeine may cause sleeplessness, so if you are taking a Barbiturate to help you sleep, you may wish to avoid taking caffeine and caffeine-containing foods like colas, coffee, teas, or chocolates within several hours prior to bedtime. Barbiturates may also decrease the actions of Caffeine; if you have a high intake of caffeinated foods or beverages you may experience a headache or irritability from decreased caffeine levels while taking these drugs until your body adjusts. If you take Caffeine for other purposes, notify your health care provider if you think Caffeine is not working as well for you.

· Notes for Professionals: Caffeine has been reported to increase the metabolism of barbiturates, and barbiturates increase caffeine elimination. Higher caffeine doses may be needed after barbiturate administration.

Butalbital 50mg, Acetaminophen 300mg, Caffeine 40mg, Oral capsule


· Severity: Moderate

· Notes for Consumers: The effects of marijuana may be decreased if combined with this medicine. Do not drive or operate machinery until you know how this combination will affect you. Contact your health care provider right away if you notice slurred speech, confusion, severe drowsiness, increased heart rate, or any other new or unusual side effects.

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· Notes for Professionals: The incidence of marijuana associated adverse effects may change following coadministration with barbiturates. Barbiturates are inducers of CYP2C9 and CYP3A4, two isoenzymes responsible for the metabolism of marijuana’s most psychoactive compound, delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Delta-9-THC). When given concurrently with barbiturates, the amount of Delta-9-THC converted to the active metabolite 11-hydroxy-delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (11-OH-THC) may be increased. These changes in Delta-9-THC and 11-OH-THC plasma concentrations may result in an altered marijuana adverse event profile.

Butalbital 50mg, Acetaminophen 300mg, Caffeine 40mg, Oral capsule


· Severity: Major

· Notes for Consumers: Avoid alcohol-containing drinks while taking this medicine. Using this drug along with alcohol can lead to serious side effects. You may feel drowsy or more tired when taking these drugs together. Do not drive or operate machinery until you know how this drug affects you, and especially if you are drinking alcohol-containing beverages. If you notice slurred speech, confusion, severe weakness, or difficulty breathing, contact your health care provider immediately.

· Notes for Professionals: Alcohol is associated with CNS depression. The combined use of alcohol and CNS depressants can lead to additive CNS depression, which could be dangerous in tasks requiring mental alertness and fatal in overdose. Alcohol taken with other CNS depressants can lead to additive respiratory depression, hypotension, profound sedation, or coma. Consider the patient’s use of alcohol or illicit drugs when prescribing CNS depressant medications. In many cases, the patient should receive a lower dose of the CNS depressant initially if the patient is not likely to be compliant with avoiding alcohol.

Butalbital 50mg, Acetaminophen 300mg, Caffeine 40mg, Oral capsule


· Severity: Moderate

· Notes for Consumers: Tobacco smoke contains substances that may speed the removal of Caffeine from the body. If you start smoking Caffeine may become less effective. Tobacco smokers often drink several caffeinated beverages daily. Just the opposite occurs when someone stops smoking tobacco; if you stop smoking this may increase the amount of Caffeine in the blood and side effects from Caffeine may get worse. Too much Caffeine can cause nausea, nervousness, or sleeplessness, and occasionally other effects like tremor. If you stop smoking tobacco, you may need to lower your Caffeine intake.

· Notes for Professionals: Inducers of the hepatic CYP450 isoenzyme CYP1A2 may induce the hepatic oxidative metabolism of caffeine. Tobacco smoke contains hydrocarbons that induce hepatic CYP450 microsomal enzymes (e.g., CYP1A1, CYP1A2, CYP2E1). The increased clearance of caffeine by smokers may contribute to the higher consumption of caffeinated beverages reported to occur in this group. Because the effect on hepatic microsomal enzymes is not related to the nicotine component of tobacco, the sudden cessation of tobacco smoking may result in a reduced clearance of caffeine, despite the initiation of a nicotine replacement product. Following several days of abstinence from chronic tobacco smoking, caffeine clearance may decrease by roughly 40%, leading to the possible occurrence of caffeine-related side effects like nausea, nervousness, irritability, tremors, or insomnia, if caffeine use remains the same.

Butalbital 50mg, Acetaminophen 300mg, Caffeine 40mg, Oral capsule

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Caffeine-containing Foods/Beverages

· Severity: Moderate

· Notes for Consumers: While taking Caffeine-containing medicines, limit the use of foods, beverages (examples: coffee, tea, colas), herbs (examples: guarana, green tea) and other products that contain additional caffeine, such as chocolate and some non-prescription medications or dietary supplements for headache, insomnia, or weight loss. Too much Caffeine can cause effects like nausea, nervousness, or sleeplessness. Some drug products for adults that contain caffeine have about as much caffeine as a cup of coffee.

· Notes for Professionals: Certain foods that contain high amounts of caffeine or theobromine should be limited during the therapeutic use of caffeine in order to limit additive methylxanthine effects. While taking Caffeine-containing medicines, limit the use of foods, beverages (examples: coffee, tea, colas), herbs (examples: guarana, green tea) and other products that contain additional caffeine, such as chocolate and some non-prescription medications or dietary supplements for headache, insomnia, or weight loss. Too much Caffeine can cause effects like nausea, nervousness, or sleeplessness. Some drug products for adults that contain caffeine have about as much caffeine as a cup of coffee.

Butalbital 50mg, Acetaminophen 300mg, Caffeine 40mg, Oral capsule


· Severity: Major

· Notes for Consumers: Patients who drink more than 3 alcoholic drinks a day and take Acetaminophen are at increased risk of developing liver side effects. Limit alcohol intake while taking Acetaminophen. Avoid alcoholic drinks if you are taking Acetaminophen on a regular basis.

· Notes for Professionals: The risk of developing hepatotoxicity from acetaminophen appears to be increased in patients who regularly consume ethanol. Patients who drink more than 3 alcoholic drinks a day and take acetaminophen are at increased risk of developing hepatotoxicity. Acute or chronic ethanol use increases acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity by inducing cytochrome P450 CYP 2E1 leading to increased formation of the hepatotoxic metabolite of acetaminophen. Also, chronic alcohol use can deplete liver glutathione stores. Administration of acetaminophen should be limited or avoided altogether in patients with alcoholism or patients who consume ethanol regularly.

FIORICET Interact with other Medications?

Severe Interactions

These medications are not usually taken together. Consult your healthcare professional (e.g., doctor or pharmacist) for more in formation.


Serious Interactions

These medications may interact and cause very harmful effects. Consult your healthcare professional (e.g., doctor or pharmacist) for more in formation.


Moderate Interactions

These medications may cause some risk when taken together. Consult your healthcare professional (e.g., doctor or pharmacist) for more in formation.


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