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Category: Pain Relief

Can Vitamin A Deficiency Lead to Pain ?

Can Vitamin A Deficiency Lead to Pain ?

Vitamin A deficiency itself does not typically lead to pain as a primary symptom. However, severe and prolonged vitamin A deficiency can contribute to various……

Table of Exempted Prescription Products 2023

Table of Exempted Prescription Products September 25, 2023 Drug Enforcement Administration Diversion Control Division Drug and Chemical Evaluation Section Exempt Prescription Products 9/25/2023 Company Trade……

Is Acupuncture Effective for Migraines?

Is Acupuncture Effective for Migraines?

Migraine pain is a debilitating form of pain that can be overwhelming for sufferers. Many individuals who experience migraines have learned to cope with this……

How to Relieve your Pain Naturally ?

How to Relieve your Pain Naturally ?

For those having one or other type of pain, finding the natural pain relief remedy that works well for them is really difficult.  There are……

How to Treat Arthritis and Osteoarthritis

Many people think that there is no cure to unbearable arthritis pain especially in case of osteoarthritis, but many people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis believe……

What is The Gate Control Theory ?

What is The Gate Control Theory ?

The gate control theory of pain, put forward by Ron Melzack and Patrick Wall in 1962, is the idea that physical pain is not a……

Relief from Arthritis Pain

Osteoarthritis is not just a matter of finding drugs. There are many ways you can get pain relief for this chronic disease, without rushing to……

Neck Pain Reliever

If you are one of the multitude of people who suffer from troublesome neck pain, you have probably arrived here looking for neck pain relief.……

Tylenol Overdose Study

Tylenol Overdose Study

For those in the medical field, it is not surprising that the Tylenol, potentially a very dangerous drug. Part of what makes it so dangerous……

Reducing Inflammation Without NSAIDS

Reducing Inflammation Without NSAIDS

Ask a typical shopper if you could reduce inflammation without NSAIDS and see what response you will get. My guess is they would ask what……