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Treat Your Migraine Headache Quickly

Posted in Cluster headaches, Migraines

Migraine is a medical condition. A migraine headache is usually an intense, throbbing pain on one, or sometimes, both sides of the head. Migraine pain and symptoms affect 29.5 million Americans. About three out of four people who have migraines are women. Migraine is the most common form of disabling headache that sends patients to see their doctors.

Migraine is a primary headache disorder characterized by recurrent headaches that are moderate to severe. Typically, the headaches affect one half of the head, are pulsating in nature, and last from two to 72 hours. Associated symptoms may include nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light, sound, or smell.


The pain of a migraine headache is often described as an intense pulsing or throbbing pain in one area of the head. However, it is much more; the International Headache Society diagnoses a migraine by its pain and number of attacks (at least 5, lasting 4-72 hours if untreated), and additional symptoms including nausea and/or vomiting, or sensitivity to both light and sound. Migraine is three times more common in women than in men and affects more than 10 percent of people worldwide.

What is the Reasons of Migraine ?

The exact cause of migraine is not fully understood. Most researchers think that migraine is due to abnormal changes in levels of substances that are naturally produced in the brain. When the levels of these substances increase, they can cause inflammation. This inflammation then causes blood vessels in the brain to swell and press on nearby nerves, causing pain.

Genes also have been linked to migraine. People who get migraines may have abnormal genes that control the functions of certain brain cells.

Experts do know that people with migraines react to a variety of factors and events, called triggers. These triggers can vary from person to person and don’t always lead to migraine. A combination of triggers — not a single thing or event — is more likely to set off an attack. A person’s response to triggers also can vary from migraine to migraine. Many women with migraine tend to have attacks triggered by:

  • Lack of or too much sleep
  • Skipped meals
  • Bright lights, loud noises, or strong odors
  • Hormone changes during the menstrual cycle
  • Stress and anxiety, or relaxation after stress
  • Weather changes
  • Alcohol (often red wine)
  • Caffeine (too much or withdrawal)
  • Foods that contain nitrates, such as hot dogs and lunch meats
  • Foods that contain MSG (monosodium glutamate), a flavor enhancer found in fast foods, broths, seasonings, and spices
  • Foods that contain tyramine, such as aged cheeses, soy products, fava beans, hard sausages, smoked fish, and Chianti wine
  • Aspartame (NutraSweet® and Equal®)
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To pinpoint your migraine triggers, keep a headache diary. Each day you have a migraine headache, put that in your diary. Also write down the:

  • The time of day your headache started
  • Where you were and what you were doing when the migraine started
  • What you ate or drank 24 hours before the attack
  • Each day you have your period, not just the first day  (This can allow you and your doctor to see if your headaches occur at the same or similar time as your period.)

Talk with your doctor about what sets off your headaches to help find the right treatment for you.

Migraine Background

Roughly one-third of affected individuals can predict the onset of a migraine because it is preceded by an “aura,” visual disturbances that appear as flashing lights, zig-zag lines or a temporary loss of vision. People with migraine tend to have recurring attacks triggered by a number of different factors, including stress, anxiety, hormonal changes, bright or flashing lights, lack of food or sleep, and dietary substances.  Migraine in some women may relate to changes in hormones and hormonal levels during their menstrual cycle.

For many years, scientists believed that migraines were linked to the dilation and constriction of blood vessels in the head. Investigators now believe that migraine has a genetic cause.

The pain is generally made worse by physical activity. Up to one-third of people have an aura: typically a short period of visual disturbance which signals that the headache will soon occur. Occasionally, an aura can occur with little or no headache following it.

See also  What is a Migraine and How to Prevent a Migraine ?

Frequently, those who are suffering from migraine headaches aren’t in the position to go to a physician to obtain medication. For those people, here is a collection of methods on precisely how you can cure headache pain naturally, and of course, quickly.

Simple Steps To Cure Your Headache Naturally…

Take A Warm Bath And Relax: In lieu of sitting in a tub filled with plain water, place a few drops of valerian or passionflower in the tub. The body will quickly respond to these calming essences and begin to ease the tension in the head.


Meditating: When headache pain is a frequent bother for you, you may want to consider a yoga or tai chi class, as it can be a really useful way to cure your headache naturally. Meditating can offer relaxation to your entire body.

Quite A Few Glasses Of Water: H2O has proven to deliver virtually immediate pain relief in regards to headaches. There is something about the rejuvenating nature of water that allows it to minimize the utter discomfort of a headache.

Enjoying Herbal Tea: If you feel a headache coming on, have a cup or two of herbal tea containing peppermint, chamomile, lavender, or valerian. Such herbs are excellent for soothing & calming the mind and body.

Diet Health Supplements: There exist certain health supplements which can be very effective when it comes to healing your headache naturally & safely. These include vitamin C, vitamin B6, choline, niacin and magnesium.

Eating Better, Healthier Foods: Consuming more healthy foods like whole grains, antioxidant soaked fruits, vitamin filled veggies, and not to mention, fiber packed foods can be hugely beneficial when it comes to getting rid of headache pain naturally & fast.

See also  Migraines: The Acute Treatments, Preventive Treatments, and Natural Treatments

Head & Neck Massage: Take several minutes to ever-so-gently massage your head, face and neck, as this could provide some very good help in healing headache pain.

Why go to a health practitioner for overpriced medication to cure your headache pain if there are all these natural and extraordinarily powerful remedies that anyone can utilize anytime they desire?

For more information about these and other super powered remedies for headaches, or to find out what causes migraine headaches and how to stop them permanently, I suggest you visit Heal Your Headache Now right away.

What food to avoid if you suffer Headaches

It’s important to be careful with what you put into your body if you are a Headache or Migraine sufferer. Avoid at all costs dairy, chocolate, eggs, citrus, meat, wheat nuts and peanuts, tomatoes, onions, caffeine, corn, apples, bananas and alcohol to name a few.

What food to eat if you suffer from Headaches

On the list of preferred foods is brown rice, cooked green, orange and yellow veggies, cooked non-citrus foods, water – regular or carbonated, salt in moderation and maple syrup.

Did you know you can also use Apple Cider Vinegar to treat migraines? Here’s the recipe -:

Apple Cider Vinegar Migraine Reliever

  1. Add 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar to a glass of water
  2. Mix in 1 Tablespoon of Honey
  3. Drink this daily to help prevent as well as treat migraines

You can also use Cayenne Pepper for a Migraine Reliever. Here’s the recipe -:

Cayenne Pepper Migraine Reliever

  1. Mix 1/2-1 teaspoon Cayenne Pepper in a cup of warm water
  2. Optionally add some lemon juice and honey to it
  3. Drink as needed

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