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Category: Pain


Caffeine is a bitter substance found in coffee, tea, soft drinks, chocolate, kola nuts, and certain medicines. It has many effects on the body’s metabolism,……

Cancer Pain

Cancer Pain

Some people with cancer are more afraid of the pain than of the cancer. But most pain from cancer or cancer treatments can be controlled.……

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

You’re working at your desk, trying to ignore the tingling or numbness you’ve had for some time in your hand and wrist. Suddenly, a sharp,……

Cartilage Disorders

Cartilage is the tough but flexible tissue that covers the ends of your bones at a joint. It also gives shape and support to other……

Chest Injuries and Disorders

The chest is the part of the body between your neck and your abdomen. It includes the ribs and breastbone. Inside your chest are several……

Chest Pain

Having a pain in your chest can be scary. It does not always mean that you are having a heart attack. There can be many……

Chronic Pain

Chronic Pain

There are two kinds of pain. Acute pain begins suddenly, lasts for a short time, and goes away as your body heals. You might feel……

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is a chronic pain condition. It causes intense pain, usually in the arms, hands, legs, or feet. It may happen……

Corns and Calluses

Corns and calluses are caused by pressure or friction on your skin. They often appear on feet where the bony parts of your feet rub……