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What Can Cause Tension Headaches and Is Tension Headache Relief Achievable Without Taking Medicines ?

Posted in Tension Headache

14. Essential oils

Aromatherapy that uses some essential oils may also relieve symptoms of a headache. The 2018 review in Children noted that inhaling lavender essential oil for 15 minutes reduced the severity of headaches, according to one study.

A separate study posted to the journal Pain suggested that peppermint oil is more effective at reducing tension headaches than a placebo.

The smells of essential oils may bother some people, and experimenting with different oils that individuals find relaxing may be a way to ease headache symptoms.

15. Natural Pain Killers

For those having one or other type of pain, finding the natural pain relief remedy that works well for them is really difficult.  There are tons of amazing pain relief techniques or products available in the market, so it becomes important to judge which pain relief would work better for you.

Well, it is simple to know about the best techniques or products and finding out how you can use them effectively and safely.

Treatment methods or products that are natural are increasingly becoming popular because of how effective, gentle and safe they are. Many people who suffer from ongoing pain don’t want to depend on intensive drugs that are readily available now. Instead they prefer natural pain relief methods like herbs, relaxation techniques, homeopathic rubs etc., if you are trying to find best and right pain management methods for yourself, this article will certainly help you.

One of the other reasons why natural pain management methods are becoming so popular is because of the reason that they really work better or good as compared to other intensive drugs. Many people using natural pain management option found it to be helpful in relieving pain and relaxing both mind and body. Among the natural methods herbal remedies are popular and common methods for pain relief whereas massage therapy is common among natural pain management techniques. Many people also combine  massage therapy, herbal remedies and relaxation techniques to get effective and safe way to eradicate pain and find comfort and relax their body.

Herbs have the history as they have been used since ages. In modern world, research has found that many herbs has natural pain eradicating compounds that can be helpful  in treating any type of pain from mild to moderate or intense pain effectively. It depends on which type of pain relief you are looking for and for each pain type there is surely as herbal remedy that is going to certainly help you.

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Massage therapy is known to be a great way to relax your body while you are in pain and also helps in giving you relief in issues related to chronic pain. Massage is also used since ages to enhance blood circulation, eliminate toxins present in our body, soreness, pains and aches. Many people have found that working along with their massage therapist has helped them get a healing touch and power of healing touch has worked well for pain relief. Massage therapy is also enjoyable, affordable and effective natural pain relief management option.

Relaxation is among the best way to get relief in your life and be comfortable when you are dealing with pain issues. Breathing techniques, meditation and creative visualization are popular ways that a lot of people find comfort and peace when they experience pain. Relaxation is a simple method that you can offer yourself as and when you need it to experience relief. Finding the right way for relief is easy. You just need to follow your body and trust the natural method you have chosen for yourself.

There are many causes of pain in the body, and these can be debilitating to the patient. Pain can occur secondary to surgery, injury, or it can be due to unknown causes.

Research indicates that there are many people with chronic pains, and they have sought relief from varied sources. Most people use medications for pain relief.

There are varied natural ways of dealing with pain in the body, and these include taking certain types of food. The following foods are good for pain relief:

1. Apple cider vinegar

Your body’s immunity is important in fighting diseases and other physical complications. Without the immune system, your body cannot heal itself naturally. To deal with pain and inflammation, one will need to maintain a good health of the immune system. Apple cider vinegar helps to boost your immune system, and this helps in fighting pain.

2. Ginger and Turmeric


The compound in the spice that gives curry its bright orange-yellow color can affect several processes in your body, including inflammation. Studies of people with rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis who took supplements of curcumin found they could walk better and without the side effects of taking drugs. Black pepper can help your body absorb it, so try a blend of the spices, steeped with ginger and honey into a tea.

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There are several medical uses of ginger in maintaining optimal health. Ginger is rich in anti-inflammatory properties that are essential in supporting the varied systems in your body. To fight inflammation more effectively, one can use components such as honey and turmeric together with the ginger. Ginger has been shown to help in reducing nausea and inflammation that usually cause pain in the body.  A staple of traditional medicine, this pungent root is probably best known for its anti-nausea, stomach-soothing properties. But ginger can also fight pain, including aching joints from arthritis as well as menstrual cramps. One study found ginger capsules worked as well as over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen at relieving period pain.

3. Fish and Salmon

Some types of fish contain omega-3 fatty acids, and these are good in fighting inflammation. The health experts encourage people to take at least 3-4 ounces of fish, and this should be done two times every week. The types of fish that contain omega-3 fatty acids include herring, mackerel, tuna and salmon, and these are good for people who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis. Omega -3 fatty acids are important in bone health and joint health as these are the areas affected when one is suffering from arthritis. Loaded with anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids, salmon makes just about all of the “good for you” lists. It’s considered heart-healthy and may relieve joint tenderness if you have rheumatoid arthritis. Other varieties of cold-water fish, including tuna, sardines, and mackerel, are good choices, too. Avoid tilapia and catfish, though: Their higher levels of omega-6 fatty acids may promote inflammation.


shutterstock_723516884. Oils

olive oil

Some oils are packed with ingredients that are important in reducing inflammation. Olive Oils contain essential fats and oleocanthal and this work the same way as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in reducing inflammation. Sunflower oils and avocado oils have also been shown to reduce the level of cholesterol in the body. There is a high dose of omega-3 fatty acids in the walnut oil, and this helps to reduce inflammation.

Feel that peppery tingle in the back of your throat? That’s a compound called oleocanthal, and it works like ibuprofen. Extra-virgin olive oil also has lubricin, which keeps joints sliding smoothly and protects cartilage from breaking down. It might help people with osteoarthritis. Stick to lower temperatures (less than 410 degrees) when you cook with olive oil so you don’t lose any of its many benefits.

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Olive oils have been shown to be effective in the prevention of inflammation related to arthritis because it contains oleocanthal. This compound aids in blocking the pathways that cause varied types of joint pain and inflammation. Most people use olive oil for cooking, especially in people who suffer from arthritis instead of using butter or vegetable oil.

5. Cherries

tart cherry juice

The studies show that cherries help to reduce pain related to gout attacks. Cherries contain an ingredient called anthocyanins, and these are good at reducing inflammation in the body. These ingredients are found in varied types of cherries like raspberries, elder berries, red grapes, boysen berries, black currents, and strawberries.

These little juicy gems have lots of phytonutrients that may fight inflammation and lessen pain. If it’s not berry season, frozen blueberries can have the same or even more nutrients than fresh. Other fruits with antioxidants and polyphenols, including strawberries and oranges, can have a similar soothing effect.

Anthocyanins contain some great antioxidants that slow down the manufacture of inflammatory chemicals and these aids in reducing inflammation. They also aid in maintaining the health of connective tissues. This is done by destroying the free radicals that irritate the tissues are likely to cause inflammation in the body. Cherries have been shown to be effective in the treatment of gout, which is a form of arthritis.

In one study, runners who drank tart cherry juice starting 7 days before a race and on race day (12 ounces, twice daily) had significantly less muscle pain than a group who swigged a similar-tasting beverage with no natural juice. It could be from the antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds in the fruit.

6. Red grapes and red Wine

red wine

Red grapes have an ingredient called resveratrol, a compound that contains anti-inflammatory properties. The foods that contain this compound include peanuts and berries. The compound has been shown to respond to inflammation, and this shows that it can aid in pain relief. It is advisable to combine turmeric with resveratrol to increase its ability to control pain and fight inflammation.

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How to relieve your pain naturally ?

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